Contrastive Divergence Gradient Approximator
import tensorflow as tf
[docs]class CDApproximator():
Contrastive Divergence Gradient Approximator
def __init__(self, learning_rate, momentum=0, k=1,
self._cd_k = k
self._learning_rate = learning_rate
self._momentum = momentum
self._regularizer = regularizer
self._momentum_vector = []
[docs] def compute_gradients(self, cost, params, var_list=None):
Computes the gradients of the given cost function w.r.t the tensors in the params
grad_params = tf.gradients(ys=cost, xs=params)
return grad_params
[docs] def apply_updates(self, model, grads):
Updates the model parameters based on the given gradients, using momentum
update_ops = []
mom_ops = []
if isinstance(self._learning_rate, list):
lrs = self._learning_rate
lrs = [self._learning_rate for p in model.model_params]
with tf.name_scope('CDLearning/updates'):
for param, grad, mv, lr in zip(model.model_params, grads, self._momentum_vector, lrs):
mv = tf.assign(mv, self._momentum * mv + grad * lr)
update_ops.append(tf.assign_sub(param, mv))
return update_ops, mom_ops
[docs] def train(self, model, vis_data, in_data=[], global_step=None, var_list=None, name=None):
Performs one step of the CD-k algorithm to approximate the model parameters
# Internal function to perform one step of gibbs sampling and increase the loop counter
def _step(i, chain_sample):
i = tf.add(i,1)
_, chain_sample, _, _ = model.gibbs_sample_vhv(chain_sample, in_data)
return i, chain_sample
# If first time, fill the momentum vector
if len(self._momentum_vector) == 0:
for param in model.model_params:
# Perform k steps of gibbs sampling and store the last sample in chain_end
with tf.variable_scope('gibbs_sampling'):
counter = tf.constant(0) # loop counter
c = lambda i, *args: tf.less(i, self._cd_k) # loop condition
[_,chain_end] = tf.while_loop(c, _step, [counter, vis_data], name='cd_loop')
# Since we don't want TF to calculate the gradients for the whole chain, we stop it!
chain_end = tf.stop_gradient(chain_end)
# Get the model's cost function for the training data and the reconstructed data (chain_end)
cost = model.get_cost(vis_data, chain_end, in_data)
# We a regularizer is set, then add the regularization terms to the cost function
if self._regularizer is not None:
with tf.name_scope('regularization'):
# We only apply the regularization on weights
# We can assume that weight tensors are 2D and biases are 1D
weight_vars = [v for v in model.model_params if len(v.get_shape()) > 1]
for W in weight_vars:
cost = cost + self._regularizer(W)
# Compute the gradients
grads = self.compute_gradients(cost, model.model_params, var_list=var_list)
# Update the model parameters
update_ops = self.apply_updates(model, grads)
return update_ops