Source code for xrbm.models.rbm

Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) Implementation in Tensorflow
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from xrbm.utils import tfutils

[docs]class RBM(): 'Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)' def __init__(self, num_vis, num_hid, vis_type='binary', activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, initializer=tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer(), # He Init name='RBM'): """ The RBM Constructor Parameters ---------- num_vis: int number of visible input units num_hid: int number of hidden units vis_type: string the type of the visible units (`binary` or `gaussian`) activation: callable f(h) a function reference to the activation function of the hidden units initializer: callable f(h) a function reference to the weight initializer (TF-style) name: string the name of the object (used for Tensorflow's scope) """ # Model Param self.num_vis = num_vis self.num_hid = num_hid self.vis_type = vis_type = name self.activation = activation self.initializer = initializer # Weights self.W = None # Biases self.vbias = None self.hbias = None # Learning params self.model_params = None with tf.variable_scope( self.create_variables()
[docs] def create_variables(self): """ Creates the TF variables used by the model """ with tf.variable_scope('params'): self.W = tf.get_variable(shape=[self.num_vis, self.num_hid], initializer=self.initializer, name='main_weights') self.vbias = tf.get_variable(shape=[self.num_vis], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), name='vbias') self.hbias = tf.get_variable(shape=[self.num_hid], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), name='hbias') self.model_params = [self.W, self.vbias, self.hbias]
[docs] def sample_h_from_v(self, visible): """ Gets a sample of hidden units, given a tensor of visible units configuations Parameters ---------- visible: tensor a tensor of visible units configurations Returns ------- bottom_up: tensor a tensor containing the bottom up contributions before activation h_prob_means: tensor a tensor containing the mean probabilities of the hidden units activations h_samples: tensor a tensor containing a bernoulli sample generated from the mean activations """ with tf.variable_scope('sampling_hv'): bottom_up = tf.matmul(visible, self.W) + self.hbias h_probs_means = self.activation(bottom_up) h_samples = tfutils.sample_bernoulli(h_probs_means) return bottom_up, h_probs_means, h_samples
[docs] def sample_v_from_h(self, hidden): """ Get a sample of visible units, given a tensor of hidden units configuations Parameters ---------- hidden: tensor a tensor of hidden units configurations Returns ------- top_bottom: tensor a tensor containing the top bottom contributions v_probs_means: tensor a tensor containing the mean probabilities of the visible units v_samples: tensor a tensor containing a sample of visible units generated from the top bottom contributions """ with tf.variable_scope('sampling_vh'): top_bottom = tf.matmul(hidden, tf.transpose(self.W)) + self.vbias # or hidden * W^T v_probs_means = self.activation(top_bottom) if self.vis_type == 'binary': v_samples = tfutils.sample_bernoulli(v_probs_means) elif self.vis_type == 'gaussian': v_samples = top_bottom # using means instead of sampling, as in Taylor et al else: v_samples = None return top_bottom, v_probs_means, v_samples
[docs] def gibbs_sample_hvh(self, h_samples0): """ Runs a cycle of gibbs sampling, starting with an initial hidden units activations Parameters ---------- h_samples0: tensor a tensor of initial hidden units activations Returns ------- v_probs_means: tensor v_samples: tensor visible samples h_probs_means: tensor a tensor containing the mean probabilities of the hidden units activations h_samples: tensor a tensor containing a bernoulli sample generated from the mean activations """ with tf.variable_scope('sampling_hvh'): # v from h top_bottom, v_probs_means, v_samples = self.sample_v_from_h(h_samples0) # h from v bottom_up, h_probs_means, h_samples = self.sample_h_from_v(v_samples) return v_probs_means, v_samples, h_probs_means, h_samples
[docs] def gibbs_sample_vhv(self, v_samples0, *data): """ Runs a cycle of gibbs sampling, starting with an initial visible data Parameters ---------- v_samples0: tensor a tensor of visible units values Returns ------- v_probs_means: tensor v_samples: tensor visible samples h_probs_means: tensor a tensor containing the mean probabilities of the hidden units activations h_samples: tensor a tensor containing a bernoulli sample generated from the mean activations """ with tf.variable_scope('sampling_vhv'): # h from v bottom_up, h_probs_means, h_samples = self.sample_h_from_v(v_samples0) # v from h top_bottom, v_probs_means, v_samples = self.sample_v_from_h(h_samples) return v_probs_means, v_samples, h_probs_means, h_samples
[docs] def get_cost(self, v_sample, chain_end, in_data=[]): """ Calculates the free-energy cost between two data tensors, used for calcuating the gradients Parameters ---------- v_sample: tensor the tensor A chain_end: tensor the tensor B Returns ------- cost: float the cost """ with tf.variable_scope('fe_cost'): cost = tf.reduce_mean(self.free_energy(v_sample) - self.free_energy(chain_end), reduction_indices=0) return cost
[docs] def free_energy(self, v_sample): """ Calcuates the free-energy of a given visible tensor Parameters ---------- v_sample: tensor the visible units tensor Returns ------- e: float the free energy """ with tf.variable_scope('free_energy'): bottom_up = tf.matmul(v_sample, self.W) + self.hbias if self.vis_type == 'binary': v = - tf.matmul(v_sample, tf.expand_dims(self.vbias,1), name='bin_visible_term') elif self.vis_type == 'gaussian': v = tf.reduce_sum(0.5 * tf.square(v_sample - self.vbias), reduction_indices=1, name='gauss_visible_term') h = - tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(1 + tf.exp(bottom_up)), reduction_indices=1, name='hidden_term') return tf.transpose(tf.transpose(v) + tf.transpose(h))