An updated, and community maintained, version of this guide is available at the Ubuntu Wiki
This guide describes how to building a simple MPICH cluster in ubuntu.
Note: you need a basic knowledge about MPICH and clustering.
Here we have 4 nodes running ubuntu 7.04 with these host names: ub0,ub1,ub2,ub3;
1. Defining hostnames in etc/hosts/
Edit /etc/hosts like these:
Note that the file shouldn’t be like this:
2. Installing NFS
To Install NFS just run this in terminal:
3. Sharing Master Folder
Make a folder in all nodes, we’ll store our data and programs in this folder.
And then we share it over nodes on the master node.
Note than we store out data and programs only in master node and other nodes will access them with NFS.
4. Mounting /master in nodes
it’s better to change fstab in order to mount it on every boot.
5. Defining a user for running MPI programs
We define a user with same name and same userid in all nodes with a home directory in /mirror.
Here we name it “mpiu”! Also we change the owner of /mirror to mpiu:
6. Installing SSH Server
Run this command in all nodes in order to install OpenSSH Server
7. Setting up SSH with no pass phrase for communication between nodes
First we login with our new user:
Then we generate DSA key for mpiu:
Leave passphrase empty.
Next we add this key to authorized keys:
As the home directory of mpiu in all nodes is the same (/mirror/mpiu) , there is no need to run these commands on all nodes.
To test SSH run:
It should return remote hostname without asking for passphrase.
8. Installing GCC
Install build-essential package:
9.Installing Other Compilers
Other prefered compilers should be installed before installing MPICH.
In this step we install other compilers such as Inter Fortran, SGI compiler , … .
10. Installing MPICH2
Download MPICH2 source code from
Extract .tar.bz2 file in /mirror. Also make a folder for MPICH installation.
For more information about compilation see README file in source package.
After successfully compiling and installing mpich, add these lines to “/mirror/mpiu/.bashrc/”
Next we run this command in order to define MPICH installation path to SSH.
For testing our installation run:
11. setting up MPD
Create mpd.hosts in mpiu’s home directory with nodes names:
and run :
To test MPD run above commands. The output should be the current hostname.
After all run mpd daemon:
The output should be name of all nodes.
There are some examples in “mpich2-1.0.5/examples”, we’ll run one :
That’s it!
For more information visit: